

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I place an order?

  • You can place an order through our website by selecting the items you'd like to purchase and following the checkout process.

2. What payment methods do you accept?

  • We accept payment via credit/debit card and other payment methods available at checkout.

3. How can I contact customer support?

  • You can contact our customer support team by phone at 07451 029098 or by email at info@aroskitchen.com.

4. Do you offer delivery?

  • Yes, we offer delivery to select areas. Delivery fees and minimum order requirements may apply.

5. Can I customize my order?

  • Yes, many of our menu items can be customized to suit your preferences. Please specify any special requests or dietary requirements when placing your order.

6. What is your refund policy?

  • Our refund policy may vary depending on the circumstances. Please refer to our Refund Policy page for more information.

7. Do you cater to dietary restrictions?

  • We strive to accommodate dietary restrictions and preferences. Please inform us of any dietary requirements when placing your order.

8. How can I track my order?

  • Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive an email or text message with tracking information. You can also contact our customer support team for assistance.

9. Do you offer promotions or discounts?

  • Yes, we occasionally offer promotions and discounts. Stay updated by subscribing to our newsletter or following us on social media.

10. Are your ingredients fresh and high-quality?

  • Yes, we use fresh, high-quality ingredients in all of our dishes to ensure the best taste and quality for our customers.

11. Can I order for a large group or event?

  • Yes, we offer catering services for large groups and events. Please contact our customer support team for more information and assistance with your order.

12. How can I provide feedback or suggestions?

  • We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please feel free to contact us via phone, email, or social media to share your thoughts.